Monday, December 6, 2010


          On Saturday I had the boys from one to five.  I wish Beck could make it longer before he decided to say Mommy (pause) Mommy (pause) Mommy.  Killian no longer says Mommy.  I love it.  He always runs to greet me at the gate when I pick them up.  We played at the church, upstairs, downstairs, upstairs again, in the backyard, the garage.  It can be very tiring to try and keep up with them at times.  They have a new game they like to play.  They bite the foam blocks and then carry them by mouth over to stick them in my mouth.  I'm not sure how you win in this game, but they seem to enjoy it.  Beck likes it when he lays down in the plastic car filled with balls and you tip the car on each side while he is in it.  As soon as you stop, he is saying tip, tip, until you start again.

I did not give him codeine to slow him down...promise

Really Dad, another picture, really

I love reading to them

The block game

Beck naturally had to get a "biggie" block

Um, excuse me, did you order the large block?

Whaddya think?  If we drive it fast enough can we bust out of here?

Chillin' in the car

Killian runs so fast even his shoes can't keep up

I cannot find the car keys

His tongue seems to be constantly sticking out lately

Look I opened it!

The "I'm about to do something naughty" face

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Look into my will give me candy

Catch!  I don't care if you aren't looking, here it comes!

I still can't find the keys

Please grandma, save me.  This man has no idea what he is doing.

Don't make me drink it.  I promise I'll be good.

Love the humidifier

Hide and seek without having to move. 

You can't see me if I can't see you.

Killian love to wrestle.

Daddy as a step stool


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