Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Freezer Game

     I find myself unable to say no as a father to my children.  If they are doing something really bad like sharing drug needles between themselves I will tell them no, that's not sanitary, you need to each get your own needle, like Daddy does (too far again?).  But most of the time I really want to see how it all plays out.  Who would have thought a hockey stick could be used to explore what a spot on the carpet is?  I have a video of it that I will post later of  Beck's crusade to find out what the spot is. 
     This is the video (6 minutes long) of the freezer game that I wrote about in an earlier post.  We went to get otter pops but they started unloading the freezer.  I wanted to see what they were going to do.  Where the food was going to end up.  They are so curious about life, and I am so curious about them.  It is fascinating to watch them explore life.

In the video you will hear Killian say ah-er pop (otter pop), take it, yeah, I get it, close it

You will also hear Beck say high, big one, I put, ah-er pop, close it

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