Sunday, January 8, 2012

Needless to say...

After the day Beck had previously, he would not come out of the house to come play.  He stood behind Madame X and then ran away when I approached the house.  Killian, however, was super enthusiastic about going.  I love both boys.  I must admit, however, that when you only have one it sure is fun to just focus on that one boy you have with you.  I can give him love and affection without worry of the other one feeling neglected.  Killian kept asking "what is dat?"  I would say it's another cow.  And he would say, "oh, I how!" and then he would wave out the window.  Such a happy boy.  We went to Becky's house to play with her dogs.  Killian wanted to throw the ball for them.  The dogs were less than enthusiastic about the ball and more enthusiastic about a new little boy in their midst.  So Killian grew bored quickly of that game and went downstairs in search of new toys.  While down there, he discovered a bunk bed.  He was so excited about that.  He kept climbing up and down the ladder.

Practicing to be Amish like his brother

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