Friday, December 3, 2010

Poor Man's Stomp

     The boys decided they wanted to go outside one day.  I had to tell them no since it was really cold outside.  I didn't want them to get sick again.  I had already missed too much time with them due to sickness.  So I compromised and we went out to the garage.  The boys love brooms for some reason.  On this day they figured out that brooms make noise if dropped or if you hit something else.  They even tried to see if Daddy makes a noise when you hit him.  For those of you that don't know what Stomp is, it is a show that I loved to attend.  A bunch of percussionists get together and use everyday items to make music.  I will include a link to that as well so you can compare the real Stomp and the version of Stomp I get to see for free every Saturday.  I think the twins version is a much better version.

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