I had the boys on Thursday and Friday. I was supposed to get them on Christmas day, but did not, due to a "misunderstanding" between Madame X and myself. Not getting the boys on Christmas has made me realize that holiday's are going to mean a bit more for me, now that I have two little boys that I was very excited to see play with some of their stuff, and maybe I wanted to play with their stuff too. I watched a movie on Christmas while I folding five billion cardboard blocks for the boys. I was very down in the afternoon as I kept looking over at the pile of new toys just sitting there with nobody to play with them. Hopefully there are no misunderstandings in the future. Yeah, I'm not holding my breath either.
Both days I pulled up to the boys house, Killian was standing in the doorway waiting for me. When he saw my truck I could see him saying Daddy, Daddy and jumping up and down. Then he would push open the screen door and run down the sidewalk so I could pick him up and throw him in the air. After I catch him, he always points to Beck who is now sauntering down the sidewalk and says "Bet". Killian thinks that I should throw Beck into the air as well. Beck is more interested in pointing out things he knows. No (snow, bud (bird), leaf, and so forth. Madame X has stopped even coming to help me load the twins up. So the process is now, set Killian in his car seat. I choose Killian for this first leg because Killian holds himself more stiff than Beck does and I have to set Killian in his car seat one handed while holding Beck. It would be like trying to load a carrot one handed versus loading Jello-O. I then take Beck around to the other side, turn on Nemo. Both boys then say doggies rough rough. Beck has also started adding doggies bark.
Thursday the boys and I went back to Mom's to play. Beck has started spending a lot of time with Tinker toys. He likes to build a "biggie towa". If he can't figure out how to make a big tower he gets frustrated with them and throws them down. Most of the time he succeeds. The boys explored more of Mom's house and decided to play in her jacuzzi tub. Killian decided to taste the soap during that adventure. I am sure he will not be doing that again. I had to pull him out of the tub and give him some water to wash it down with.
The boys wanted to go wander around the church parking lot. Beck will say gahg (garage) meaning that he wants to play in the garage. Then the second we get into the garage he will say outsie (outside). Killian will then say chuch. I of course let them go over to the church to explore, even though it was cold and wet outside. Killian and Beck wanted to climb the "biggie no pile" (big snow pile). I managed to get my entire leg stuck in the snow. Once we were unstuck, then the boys were off and running again. They have to run everywhere. There is no walking. And we can only look at something for about five seconds because we might miss something else. I have a video of Killian going in a complete circle looking at things. Once he completed the circle, he started it all over again to look at the same things. The boys naturally found a big puddle to play in until they were soaked. Killian said he was "sirsty" so he layed down on the asphalt and drank from the puddle. When I wouldn't let him drink from the puddle, he decided to start eating snow instead. At the end of the day Beck usually starts asking for Mommy. I have started telling him that Mommy isn't home, she is out shopping. On Thursday Beck looks at me and says, "Mommy? Oh, sopping." I started laughing and so Beck kept saying it to entertain.
On Friday the boys and I made a pit stop to see Grandpa Larry and Grandma Marla. The boys haven't seen them in awhile and I was very worried that they would just start crying and the entire thing would be a disaster. It took all of about five minutes to warm up to them. The boys started playing with a battery powered train that went around a track. Then Beck decided he would rather walk around the track. After walking around it a couple of times, the track came apart. Beck continued to walk on the track, he just started saying ow (step) ow (step) ow. Things went really well at their house.
I need to start blogging right after the boys leave. They do and say so many funny things while I am with them. But it seems like I struggle to recall what they were when trying to write. Maybe I'm a ninety year old trapped in a thirty-five year olds body. It really feels that way after playing with the boys for four hours.
Nemo his so exciting to watch |
Grandma's tub |
Building a biggie towa |
Relaxin' at grandpa's house |
Trying a different way to relax |
Watching Cars |
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No grandpa, we are laughing with you, not at you. |
Killian loves this game. Daddy's shoulders do not. |
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