Wednesday, December 22, 2010

More videos

Beck watching the movie Cars.  You will hear him say "tane" for train.

Beck beatboxing.  I didn't get him to do it for very long.  He really likes the fast street racing cars on the movie Cars.  When he watches them he always starts beatboxing.  I have no idea where he got that from.  It was a little hard to get the camera in front of him with Killian sitting on me feet.

I wish that I could have a still camera, and a video camera at my disposal at all times.  I finally get Beck to dance, only to not be able to get the camera out fast enough.  So here is Beck dancing for two seconds.

I think in High School I could have had more dates if I learned to exit the car like Killian does.

I entitled this one off off off off.  When you watch it you will understand why.  I have no idea what Killian is doing in this video.

They came up with this game all on their own.  I guess it pays to have a twin at times.  I don't think I could have done this as an only child.  If I would have been able to do this by myself, my parents probably would have taken me to the doctor.

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