Thursday, February 2, 2012

These two are so funny

Visitation seems to get better with each visit.  Both boys are excited to see me.  Beck usually says, "Daddy I was waiting for you in the window."  They pick where we are going to go.  Which usually ends up being McDonalds in East Bay or McDonalds in Spanish Fork for about an hour.  They only eat apple slices and drink Sprite.  They mostly want to play in the play land.  Then they say they want to go to "Daddy house"

While we were out at McDonald's, Beck came and sat down next to me and wanted his drink.  I gave it to him and then started rubbing his back.  Beck puts his drink down, turns and uses both his hands to take my hand and place it on the chair back behind him.  He then turned back around and started drinking his drink again.  Apparently he didn't want affection at that time.  Killian loves me to rub his back or belly or shoulder anytime.  Two very different children.   Killian ran up to another guy wearing jeans and grabbed the napkin out of the guys hand.  I shouted over to Killian, hey I'm over here.  Killian looks at me.  I said that's the wrong Daddy.  Killian throws the napkin at the guy and runs and jumps into my arms.  When I lift him up he is laughing, and he says, " that the wrong Daddy".  Later we ran into the guy again and Killian pointed again, "there the wrong Daddy".

Killian came up with a game where I had to follow the two of them around picking up the balls that shot out of Thomas the Train.  To him the balls were "gas" for Thomas to go.  The typical conversation each time he ran out would go as follows...
Killian:  Oh no, I'm out of gas
Me:  Oh no, I give you gas
Killian:  (After we had filled it up with balls) Thank you gasser helper!
And we would drive away.  I would laugh every time. 

Another game that the boys now really like is laying in the inflatable pool I have for them.  They pretend to be asleep.  I then swing the pool around with them inside it until they flip out or crash into one another.  They really like that game.  I get really dizzy and fall over a lot while playing it.

Me:  Come here and let me change your diaper.
Beck:  I didn't poop.
Me:  I need to change it so it stays dry.
*Daddy changes said diaper and does a terrible job apparently*
Beck:  My diaper hurts me.  (grabs his bum)
Daddy:  Okay, lay back down and I will fix it
*Daddy changes said diaper again*
Me:  Is that better?
Beck:  Yeah.  My diaper was on wonky.  It's okay now.

Beck:  There's the mall
Me:  Yep, that's the mall
Beck:  You can't come with us there Daddy
Me:  How come Daddy can't come with you?  (starting to get offended)
Beck:  Cause you are at work!  Silly Daddy

We played so hard this time that I was actually sweating from trying to swing two boys around for three hours.  It made my day!  I'll post some pictures and video of our adventure.

Part of the Daddy shoulder work out

Another game of try and not let Daddy put our socks on

We were playing tug O war with Killian in the pool.  Beck lost.

Daddy way too dizzy, fell down

Killian being a tough guy.  Pulling me down to his level.

The two of them pretending to be asleep before I spin them.

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