Sunday, February 19, 2012


I thought I would reblog the announcement I made to the blogging world when the boys were born. 

Feb. 09, 2009

Killian and Beck decided to burst the bubble and enter this world a little early. It was an interesting evening that went something like this…

12:00AM Monday morning

Michelle: Oh no! (Runs to bathroom)

Kirt: Are you okay? (Such amazing detective questioning)

Michelle: I think my water broke

Kirt: You think your water broke? (Sherlock Holmes has nothing on me)

Michelle: What are we supposed to do when that happens?

Kirt: Hang on, I’m getting the book (Walks slowly into other room to get book)

Kirt: Are you having contractions?

Michelle: No

Kirt: Okay (Gets into bed, covers up, and begins to search the book

Michelle: Now my back is starting to hurt

Kirt: Oh, here it is, “if your water breaks you should immediately” um, oh my, we need to leave!

12:10 AM Kirt trying to locate pants, even though he has a closet full of them he can’t find a pair to put on

12:15 AM Can’t find Michelle in house. How can someone with twins hide in a 1,600 square foot home?

Michelle: Do you think I need to take my bag?

Kirt: Nope, you are not quite at 35 weeks yet, they won’t keep you. Don’t worry about it. (Stupid, stupid, stupid)

12:20 AM Enter freeway

12:25 AM Exit freeway - That part was fun

12:35 AM Michelle getting hooked up to everything NASA has to offer

2:00AM Kirt is back at home to get everything they should have taken with them to begin with

3:59AM Kirt decides to eat something really spicy from the snack bar (I am so impressive under duress)

4:00 AM Contraction monitor gets hooked up correctly as opposed to the way it was earlier in the morning. Nurses call the doctor

4:30 AM Kirt dons astronaut gear for the OR

4:31 AM Kirt’s stomach decides speak up on the matter of the spicy breakfast. I think my stomach was democrat and voted for the “stimulus” package L

4:32 AM Kirt decides rubber bands might be needed on bottom of pant leg openings in case he can’t get out of NASA suit fast enough

5:00AM Enter OR only after watching nurses run Michelle’s bed into the wall twice

5:32AM Beck enters the world. Kirt tries to describe to Michelle what he is seeing through tear streaked eyes, but all she can understand is cry, cry, cry, sob, Beck

5:33AM Killian also enters the world. Kirt doesn’t even try to describe anything since he knows that will only serve to emasculate him further.  But is scared since Killian is blue and not crying.

Beck weighed in at 4 pounds 14 ounces and 17.5 inches long. He has blond hair.

Killian weighed in at 4 pounds 12 ounces and 17.5 inches long. He has brown hair.

Killian spent most of the morning and part of the afternoon in NICU hooked up to oxygen. Later in the day he joined the rest of the family in a room built for people with only one baby.

The babies were born at 34 weeks and 5 days. Because they are small, their feeding takes about 3 minutes and occurs about every hour. Both babies are able to hold their correct temperature and they should come home with us when we bring Michelle home.
I will forever remember that just like it was yesterday.  Okay, maybe I will remember it better than yesterday, since at times, I'm not even sure what day it is.

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