A couple of posts back I forced Beck to come with me. He ran down the walk all excited to see me, then as soon as he got to the gate he turned around and started to walk back to the house, shoulders slumped. Madame X asked him what was wrong and Beck said that he didn't want to go "cause Daddy won't feed me lunch". He started to cry and I just loaded him into the truck anyway. Beck kept telling me "I tol' you, I don't want to go!" It broke my heart. Halfway home, Beck saw something funny in the movie Madagascar and he started laughing. The entire rest of the day we played, Beck laughed. It was a fun time had by all, or so I thought. The subsequent visits Beck would run away from me, retreating further into his house so he didn't have to see me. That has left me just one to take, and let me tell you, one is so much easier than two. Although, if I had my wish, I would always pick two. Killian is into walking dinosaurs around now and making noises as they walk. The picture of dinosaurs below is what he put on the blocks. He said, "Dis one Daddy and dis one Mommy!" Those that have seen the photo, agree that it is an accurate representation. One other funny conversation with Killian took place while he was drawing in the dirt on the side of my truck...
Killian: Daddy, you truck dirty.
Me: It is, should we go wash it?
Killian: No...let go get a new Daddy tuck! (I think he gets that from his mothers side)
Good thing I have such a manly truck to haul manly things |
Killian loves his hat and coat pulled up as high as he can get |
This is from the visit I forced Beck to come. They drove 4 wheelers around then walked in the tracks |
Daddy is on the left, and Madame X (or should I say Madame T-Rex now?) is on the right |
Killian loves to climb on my truck |
He wanted to play in the "trailer" |
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