Sunday, November 27, 2011

Beck is back!

It took lots of bribery, but I got Beck to come with me again finally.  I took doughnuts, balloons, books, and dinosaurs.  I knew I had made headway with him finally when he called me on the phone to say thank you for my dinosaur Daddy.  That coupled with going to the Dinosaur museum the next day helped.  We went to McDonalds, the museum, and my house.  I had them for five hours that day.  At the end of the day, Beck asked if I would pick him up again after his tub.  I think that translates into a successful day.

Letting him lick the glass is totally sanitary right?

Killian had to climb on everything

I was told I had to get out of the tunnel or monsters would get me

Killian types while watching the movie

Beck was soaked after playing in the dirt and water

Digging for dinosaurs with one leg for leverage

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