Sunday, January 23, 2011

Pic's for Suprise titled blog entry

So stupid blogger won't let me upload the photos from Saturday with the post.  So here they are in a second post.

He was stuck head first in this like you would load a snake into a bag.

Beck loves me to attack him with this thing.

Fighting a two front war

Beck will be the bowler.  Killian will be the one that runs down the lanes to knock the pins down

Love to see them smile

New game for Killian

Beck usually makes growling noises while knocking the blocks over

This gets tiring to push in circles for hours

Daddy is going to pull a hamstring doing this for hours

Jumping off a box

Our version of the Olympic Skeleton race

This might be easier if the length of your body was two stairs like Beck's.  Mine is still halfway up the stairs.

Yes that is adult watching the child eat four suckers at a time

Then he gave me all four of the suckers he was sucking on.  Yum!

Watching the "boons" go "way high"

Daddy having a good time with his boys

They didn't get this love from me, that's for sure

Not sure why it is more fun to watch TV so close

Cleaning Up

Clever kid

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