So I had both really sick boys on Friday. I held Beck the entire time they were there and I loved every minute of it. He would sleep, wake up crying. Then he would want a sip of sprite and go right back to sleep. He filled his diaper twice, and I have to say, I really do not miss that at all! So Beck slept most of it and Killian watched Cars most of the time. The lack of activity makes it hard to write a lot in the blog.
On Saturday when I went to pick up the boys, I got there and Madame X let me know that Beck was inside and didn't want to come, but Killian wanted to go. So we decided to split the twins up for the first time and see how that would go. I must say, anyone who complains about one baby does not know how easy they have it! I followed Killian around playing, snuggling, and making him noodles. It was a lot of fun to be able to focus my attention on just one child. I feel like I struggle at times to afford equal amounts of attention to both boys. I hope this year brings a lot more laughter, happiness, and joy!
He just wanted me to hold him |
Put Beck down after my arms felt like they were going to fall off |
Killian watching Cars upside down |
Dad had so much fun holding the sick little boy |
Killian and Dad go for french fries |
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