Monday, January 31, 2011

Shocking to say the least

     The following events that take place are true.  Only the names have changed to protect the innocent.  I ended up with only fifty percent of the twins today.  Anyone want to guess which one it was?  Wrong! 
     I rolled up and both boys were outside.  Killian already had his arms in the air for me to pick him up.  Beck was handing me books that he wanted to bring.  I was already holding two Mylar balloons to begin with.  As soon as Beck handed me his books that he wanted to take he held his arms up like he wanted me to carry him as well.  So the two balloons, two blankets, two books, and two boys made our way to the truck.  As soon as I put Killian in the truck he had a fit!  I go home! I go home!  He shouted to me.  So I shoved the balloons into the truck.  Sadly one balloon blew away during all of this shouting.  I picked Killian back up and went and rang the door bell.  Killian promptly leaned towards his mother.  Then he said "banket" and took one of the blankets from me.  Then he started crying and grabbing at Beck saying, "Bet, Bet, Bet" and Beck put his hand out and said, "NO!"  I asked Beck if that meant he wanted to go with me.  Beck pointed at the truck.  Madame X said well let's see how long that lasts.  I think she was betting he wouldn't make it to the truck.  I was betting we would be turning the truck around by the end of the street.  I got in the truck and handed Beck a french fry since that has become our tradition.  I can't wait until he is older and our tradition is prime rib.  But alas, for now, it will have to be McDonald's french fries and a Coke.  Beck started shoving the fries in his face faster than I could give them to him.  He would eat one in three second and then say, "nother one!"  I got to eat three of the fries and Beck ate the rest.  We made it all the way home with Beck as happy as can be. 
     We mostly played with a balloon that I blew up for an hour and forty five minutes.  I spend all this money on toys, people give me toys, and Beck just wants to play with a balloon that I paid two dollars for a twenty pack.  The other fifteen minutes he wanted grandma to read to him.  A funny moment arouse when Beck looked at grandma and pointed to the twins ride on fire truck and said "sit!"  Mom looked at me and I started laughing.  So grandma figured out a way to get on the fire truck.  You might think that would be good enough, but nope, it isn't.  Beck then said "go!" so Mom stood up and started to push the fire truck and Beck said "noooo, sit".  At this point I am laughing hysterically while grandma tries to figure out how to placate Beck.  Grandma gets back down on the fire truck and cannot figure out how to make herself move while sitting on the fire truck.  I really wish I would have had the camcorder for that moment.  I was almost in tears with laughter.  I will never be able to look at another fire truck without laughing.  The day was cut short when Madame X asked me to bring Beck back home due to Killian being really sad.  I was amazed at how happy Beck was with me, and without Killian.  The outfit Beck is wearing is one I am told he will not sleep in, but he really wanted to wear today.

Isn't a ball supposed to shoot out?

Dad, really?  I'm tired of the camera flash.

"Biggie fwy, 'nother one" that is all I kept hearing

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Some video's

Killian had to open all the sucker's before he found the one he wanted.

This was taken when I just had Killian.  He really likes brooms.

Killian also likes to rake the snow.

The boys like me to push them on some of their ride on toys.  The problem is I am too tall for this.  It wears me out quickly.  Here is a Daddy point of view.

Monday and Saturday

     I did not get the boys on Saturday due to trying to avoid getting them sick for their birthday party next week.  I did however, get them last Monday. 
     I pulled up and both boys came running out to me.  I thought it was because they wanted to come with me, but I think it was due to the Mylar balloons I had.  The boys and I drove to McDonald's for "fwies" and "dink's".  When I got them home I put the drink in Beck's lap so he could drink while I ran the rest of the stuff to the back door.  I decided to get Killian out first so I walked over to his door and opened it.  As soon as I opened it, I could hear Beck crying.  I said, "hey what happened?"  Beck replied, "I pilled, code, code, I pilled!"  He had spilled his Sprite and was cold with all the ice sitting in his lap.  I ran over to him and got him out of the car seat.  He kept saying code, code.  I told him we would get him some new pants.  So he then started saying "code, pilled, new pants".  I told him to start walking to the back door while I got Killian.  Then Beck changed to saying "code, new pants, Key-yan".  I finally managed to get both boys and all the stuff they come with inside the house and downstairs. 
     When we got downstairs I made Beck lay down so I could change him to some dry pants.  While I was doing that Killian started knocking over all the blocks.  I guess Beck wanted to be the one to do that since he started slapping the carpet while laying down and saying "Key-yan, naughty...naughty Key-yan."  After I changed Beck's pants I helped him up and he said "new pants, not code" and then he ran off to destroy things as well. 
     I had yet another I feel old moment while I had the boys.  I had previously down loaded a few apps onto my phone for two year olds since Beck really likes my phone.  I thought they were dumb apps since they didn't do much, but I had hoped that the boys would at least like them.  Well the reason I thought they were dumb is apparently because a thirty-five year old can't work the app.  Beck started screwing around with the app and the game started doing all sorts of things that I had never been able to do.  It just took a two year old to figure it out.  I was amazed at all the stuff the app did.  I could only ever get it to say the alphabet.  Beck was getting it to flash colors, shapes, the alphabet, and talk to him.  I have no idea how he did that.  Don't worry though, I am still going to mock my father anytime I have to go set the time on his VCR, update his GPS, or help him with his cell phone though.
     I ended up only having the boys for two hours.  At three Beck started saying, "done, I go home now".  I have no idea how I am going to convince them to stay longer during the winter months.  If we could spend all day at the park, I have no doubt I would get them all day.

This video is one of the many games we play...

Killian driving his cars...

Beck playing Sesame Street...

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Pic's for Suprise titled blog entry

So stupid blogger won't let me upload the photos from Saturday with the post.  So here they are in a second post.

He was stuck head first in this like you would load a snake into a bag.

Beck loves me to attack him with this thing.

Fighting a two front war

Beck will be the bowler.  Killian will be the one that runs down the lanes to knock the pins down

Love to see them smile

New game for Killian

Beck usually makes growling noises while knocking the blocks over

This gets tiring to push in circles for hours

Daddy is going to pull a hamstring doing this for hours

Jumping off a box

Our version of the Olympic Skeleton race

This might be easier if the length of your body was two stairs like Beck's.  Mine is still halfway up the stairs.

Yes that is adult watching the child eat four suckers at a time

Then he gave me all four of the suckers he was sucking on.  Yum!

Watching the "boons" go "way high"

Daddy having a good time with his boys

They didn't get this love from me, that's for sure

Not sure why it is more fun to watch TV so close

Cleaning Up

Clever kid


     Life this past week has been rough.  This story will at least have a happy ending, so you can continue reading without worry.  I have spent all week having anxiety, night mares, feelings of inadequacy, teary eyed, and sleepless.  All of it stemming from the fact that I could not figure out a way to get Beck to want to spent time with his father (that would be me, in case any of you have forgotten).  I have felt like giving up.  I have struggled reconnecting with my boys and this last month has made me want to give up.  I feel like crying when they don't want to come with me.  I feel like crying when they do something funny and then I stop and think of all the things that I'm going to miss in their lives.  I guess that means I feel like crying a lot.  I get this genetic trait from my pansy father.  All of this drama has made me want to give up.  Madame X emailed me earlier in the week saying she was unsure how to handle this situation with Beck.  She said that Beck came up to her earlier in the week on a day that I wasn't coming to get the boys and said, "I no go Daddy."  I became very forlorn and unsure how to proceed.
     Mom came up with the idea of not picking the boys up on Saturday and just taking them a small treat.  I would just say hi, maybe give the boys a hug and then leave.  I emailed Madame X and her only concern was that Killian would probably have a fit if he didn't get to come with me.  That was something I hadn't thought of.  Madame X also suggested I bring Mylar balloons, as the boys are really into balloons right now.  Everyone involved thought that would be a good plan to try and help Beck with whatever his current issue with me is.
     On Saturday morning I went to the store and searched and searched for just the perfect Mylar balloon.  The balloon that would say "Hey Beck, I'm your Dad and I love you, please come play with me, I promise to keep you safe, have fun, and return you undamaged back home."  I couldn't find a balloon that was big enough to say all of that, so I settled on getting two Mylar soccer balls.  I had also previously purchased to small helicopters that the blades spin and light up with the push of a button.  I was ready and more nervous than when I picked up my prom date.
     When I walked up to the boys house, Madame X and Killian were at the door to greet me.  Killian was grinning ear to ear at the sight of a balloon.  Madame X had amazingly enough steered me in the right direction with the balloon idea.  Madame X had dressed Killian in a coat and hat already.  She clearly thought Killian would want to go with me.  Beck just peeked his little blond head around the door and wouldn't come any farther.  Madame X invited me in.  I knelt down and gave Beck his balloon.  He was shouting "boon, boon!"  That is as close to saying balloon as he gets.  Both boys would pull the balloon down and watch it go up to the ceiling.  Beck made sure he stayed about six feet away from me at all times.  I was already used to this behavior from girls in high school.  I tried playing peek a boo with Beck through the tunnel they had built from couch cushions.  That made Beck laugh.  Shortly after I started doing that, Killian jumped down off Madame X's lap and came and sat on mine and said, "I go!"  Madame X asked him if he wanted to go to Daddy's house.  And he said, "I go" again!  Then he went back to playing with his balloon.  While that was taking place I did not notice Beck creeping a bit closer to us.  One second he was looking through the tunnel at me, the next he was climbing onto my lap and saying "I go Daddy".  It startled both Madame X and I to hear him say that.  I have never seem Madame X move so fast as she did trying to get Beck a hat and coat so he could come with me before he changed his mind.  I was so glad I had put the monitors and car seats in the truck.  It would have been terrible if Beck had suddenly decided to go with me and I had to tell him, sorry but Daddy was an idiot and doesn't have the car seats.  It was a bit challenging to carry two boys, two balloons (in the wind mind you), two blankets, and two small helicopters.  I was very impressed I didn't lose anything nor did I drop a boy.
     When I got in the truck Killian started saying, "fwies, dink!" over and over until I acknowledged him.  So we were off to McDonald's instead of my house.  Both boys were very talkative and laughed while they were playing with their "boons" in the back seat.  My day was looking up! 
     I ended up having the boys for four hours.  We played with the usual toys and came up with some new games.  One that I am not very fond of is we all crawl head first down the stairs.  This requires arm strength that I no longer possess if one wishes to not just fly face first down the stairs.  But if the boys were going to do this and we were going to laugh the entire way down the stairs, then I was going to do that until my arms fell off (so...three times).  We built towers with blocks, of which Killian knocked down and then Beck hit Killian on the top of the head and said, "naughty!"  I later saw Beck sitting on the floor with a bunch of unwrapped suckers around him.  He had found the zip lock bag of suckers.  When I asked him what he was doing, he said, "keenin' up" (cleaning up).  I thought that was so funny I continued to let him unwrap every sucker and put the garbage in the zip lock bag.  Because I was not expecting the boys, I had left some of the stuff from the bathroom that I was cleaning sitting in the hallway.  While the boys were over I put the stuff back in the bathroom.  Beck came into the bathroom, walked over to the tub and looked in it.  Then he looked at me and said, "wada aaaaaaaaallllllll gone!"  That made me laugh, and I guess hearing me laugh made him smile.  Then he waited for me to come back out of the bathroom so we could go play with books.  And by playing with books, I mean taking every book in site and dumping them on the floor until the game is over.  The boys even found it fun to sweep Grandma's kitchen floor for a bit.  Killian has also figured out that he can use a hockey stick to locate lost balls from under the couch.
     I had felt so down all week, and Saturday erased all traces of doubt that had encumbered me during the week.  The boys were so much fun.  I love to hear them say Daaaaady all the time.  Here's to hoping that Monday goes just as well.  If I have to show up with two Mylar balloons twice a week, then I will create a balloon that says "Please come play with me, I will keep you safe, I love you, I want to be in your life, I will let you hit me in the head with a hockey stick if you think that is funny" and sell it to other divorced fathers to help pay for all my "boon" purchases.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

No Go For Launch

     Over the weekend Madame X and I decided that I would start picking up the boys in the morning instead of later.  The goal being that I would keep them in the morning, get them to nap, and then hopefully keep them longer in the day.  That was the goal.  We did not acheive our goal on Monday.  We decided that maybe if Beck didn't see me for a week then maybe he would forget all of this I don't want to go garbage that is currently taking place.  He went through this earlier in the year, and taking a week off seemed to correct that problem.  That means that I had all of Monday off.  Here's to hoping they are okay for Saturday.  I might sacrifice a goat to see if that will help bring good luck for Saturday.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Short Changed

Lets start with last Monday since I forgot to post about that.  I walked up the walkway and Killian came out to greet me as he always does, but I could hear Beck yelling NOOO!  I asked Beck if he wanted to go and he said no again and leaned into his Mom.  So I loaded up Killian by himself and we went to play.  Madame X had stated that he not eaten so when we got to my house I told Killian that Daddy needed to make him lunch, but he could go play.  Killian went downstairs and I heard all of this banging.  It sounded like someone was remodeling the basement.  After five minutes of amazingly loud noise Killian came back upstairs and wanted me to hold him while I made lunch.  When we went back downstairs to eat I could not believe the speed at which Killian had destroyed the once organized basement.  Hurricane Killian had touched down and I hadn't even heard the tornado alert going off.  Killian lasted about three hours before he started missing Beck.  So I took him home.  I love being able to spend one on one time with him, but it never lasts long enough.
     Today when I started to walk up to the boys house I could already hear Beck saying no!  Madame X greeted me at the door with Beck and he wouldn't look at me.  Killian pushed past him mother in his cowboy hat and came to see me.  I picked Killian up and tried to convince Beck to come with me.  The conversation was a great one..
Me:  Beck do you want to go play with Thomas the train?
Beck: (bored) no.
Me:  How about the car with all the balls in it?
Beck: no.
Me:  Do you want to jump on the mattress and go bouncy bouncy bouncy?
Beck: no.
Me:  Well okay then.

Madame X explained to Beck that Killian was going and if he didn't go with Daddy that he would be home without Killian.  Beck still didn't want to go.  So I packed up Killian cowboy hat and all.  We made it to the Canyon road turn off and Killian started to freak out!  I want Bet (Beck) I want Bet I want Bet.  Crying and weeping and wailing.  I sent Madame X to state Killian was freaking out.  So we turned around and went back home.  Madame X seemed very put out by this.  I really hope that someday she will help them to not be so attached to her or when they start school those poor boys are going to fall apart.  So I dropped Killian off and went shopping for a guitar.  I found some photos that I haven't uploaded before so at least all you readers will have something to look at.  It's a bit hard to take photos of a boy that doesn't want to come, or one that is only around for five minutes.  At least the basement was easy to clean up.

Watching Cars when Beck was sick

Killian could not decide which vantage point Cars looked best from

Still trying to figure it out.  He always has to have his feet on something.

Add caption

This is the only way he plays with these basketballs.  Beck at least throws them against the wall.