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Killian in the truck |
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I'm going to push any button I want cause I have my dad wrapped around my finger |
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I have no idea what he is attempting here |
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Lets press this button until it breaks! |
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Can I lock daddy out so he looks stupid at the park? |
If I was playing with Killian, Beck would wait to see if I killed or maimed his brother in anyway, then he would want me to toss him in the air or do whatever to him that was making Killian laugh so much. I was kneeling down to help Killian off the playground equipment when he decided to jump to me instead. As I caught Killian I then tossed him up in the air. He laughed hysterically each time I did this. Beck came over to investigate. Beck had decided he wanted me to toss him in the air. I threw him in the air but not as high as Killian. I didn't want to scare Beck since he had approached me to have some fun. They each took turns. I would toss Beck up in the air and Killian would say my turn. And then when it was Beck's tun, Killian would say, Beck tun. Madame X told me I had started a game that was never going to end. I was okay with this, I was having fun. I never wanted it to end. By the sixth throw, I wanted it to end. My shoulders were on fire. I had gone from tossing them ten feet into the air to saying wow you went way high, hoping they didn't notice I had jumped into the air instead of tossing them into the air. I was grateful a stick suddenly had their attention and they walked off to investigate. Two twenty five pound kids just showed me how out of shape I was. Unless you consider pear a shape, in which case, I'm in shape. Just not the shape I want.
As of the third visit I still didn't have any photos of Beck. Beck stayed close to Madame X and I didn't want her to know that I was taking pictures of the boys. Even though they are my sons as well, I figured she would get another lawyer and charge me for licensing fees, creative property, and the air I breath when I'm near the boys. There will be pictures and video of Beck in the near future.
Killian's memory is excellent. He saw a balloon in a tree while he was at this particular park previously. That balloon popped while he was watching it. Now every time we are at the park he has to look up at the tree and say, "boon, pop!" He then jumps in the air while pointing at the tree. I wish life were that interesting to me still.
Madame X and I had been working on telling the boys about my truck in preparation for when I would be picking them up for my time with them. Killian wanted to go look at "daddy tuck". We wandered back and forth looking and touching the tires and rims. He traced the letters on the side of the truck. I asked him what color it was. He shouted out geen! I said it was blue. So he shouted out blue! He was very focused on the truck. He then said, "i-side tuck". I was sure at first what he was trying to tell me. It took me awhile to figure out the i-side part. So I asked Killian if he wanted to see the inside of my truck. He held his arms up for me to pick him up. I assumed correctly that meant yes. I rolled the windows down a bit (didn't need to have one twin die on the third visitation. That might have looked slightly bad. Although, it would have cut down on insurance and child support. I'm just sayin'. I gave him free reign of the truck. He jumped up and down on the seats, and pressed every button in there at least once. When he heard the locks go up and down, he then pressed the lock button at least a thousand times. I didn't care what he trashed while in there, as long as he associated me with fun. I do plan on eventually having rules for him. Maybe by the time he is seventeen.
At the end of the visit Beck climbed up on the picnic table and said daddy. When I walked over there, he jumped (well more like fell) off the table to me. That was pretty adventurous for him though. He smiled when I put him down. Beck then walked over to the walking stroller and climbed in. He looked up, waved at me and said, "by daddy". I guess that meant our time was over. Beck was more excited to leave than he was to jump off the table to me. At least our visits were making progress.
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