Sunday, November 21, 2010

Daddy Phone

     The boys are fascinated by my phone.  They love to sit on my lap and look at the screen while we take pictures of stuff.  Beck usually takes my phone and throws it on the ground.  The phone lights up when he does this, so he will repeatedly do so.  Killian is not one for sharing all the time.  He took my phone one day while we were at the park.  This is what he came up with.  He took these photos all on his own after I showed him which button to push, he said I do it, I do it.  They aren't too bad for a nineteen month old. When he was done with the phone he just threw it in the grass.  I guess I should have told him that an iPhone isn't a disposable camera.  Then again, he might just get the throw it away when your done with it mentality from his mother.

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