Tuesday, November 30, 2010


     I pulled up to the boys house on Monday.  They were finally both well enough for me to take them.  Both boys were both staring out the door waiting for me with their hats and boots on.  Both boys came running to see me as I knelt down this time.  I loved it!  I gave them each a big hug and spoke with them and picked both of them up at the same time.  It made me incredibly happy.  Although, if the boys get any bigger, they will have to hold Daddy instead.  I was so focused on them running out to me I think the apocalypse could have began and I wouldn't have noticed.  I have felt in past like all of this visitation would be worthless because they would never get to know me.  Today I did not feel that way.   
     Madame X and I loaded them into the truck.  Killian immediately started saying "Nemo! Nemo! Nemo!"  until I pressed play on the DVD players.  Then Beck had to say "doggies, rough rough!"  I think the boys and I are finally getting into a good routine.  On the drive to Mom's house they usually jabber about something going on in the movie.  I have most of the words to Finding Nemo now memorized.  That is not something I find useful in anyway. 
     When the boys went in the house Beck immediately requested an "ah-er pop" (otter pop).  I told him he had to wait until after I made him some noodles.  I started the water on the stove and we went downstairs to play.  After a short time I went back upstairs to put the noodles in the water.  Shortly after I went upstairs I heard Daddy?  (pause) Daddy?  I purposely didn't answer the first time because it makes me smile to hear them say Daddy.  Killian had come looking for me.  Words cannot express how much I love the fact that he calls me Daddy, and that he noticed I was missing and came looking for me.  My son wanted to be where I was.  That will be one of the great moments in my life.  It wasn't enough for him to find me though, he wanted me to hold him while I was making the noodles.  He started feeling the range hood and saying hot and then touching it again and saying hot.  Shortly there after, Beck started saying, Daddy, Daddy?  And he came upstairs.  Both boys had come looking for me.  It warmed my heart.  Maybe they were starting to become as attached to me as I am to them.  Beck came and stood by me and said "uppie."  So I was now holding both boys and trying to make noodles and not stick a baby foot into the fire or boiling water.  I didn't want to return the merchandise damaged to Madame X.  I sure was not going to put them down though, and miss this opportunity to have them close.  I would have stirred the noodles with my foot if I had to.  The boys started turning the light switch for the range hood on and off.  Beck figured out that it was the range hood light.  Killian, on the other hand, kept flipping the switch and then looking at the kitchen light.  I think he gets that from Madame X.  The boys and I finished up the noodles and went downstairs to watch Cars and eat lunch. 
    After four bites Beck said ah-er pop.  I told him he needed to eat more.  I was surprised at how well both of them ate for me.  They wouldn't eat for Madame X that day, so that was a small victory for the Fairbank side.  Once lunch was over, they started to play, having forgotten about the otter pops.  Two minutes into play time Beck hit Killian's hand with a plastic golf club.  Obviously he started to cry and I dreaded that I was going to hear the word Mommy from him and our day was soon going to end.  For the first time since the divorce Killian came to me to console him. He did not ask for Mommy one time.  He just showed me his hand and I kissed it better.  Then I rocked him while we watched Cars for a bit.  I actually felt like Daddy might mean something other than just a name to Killian.  Beck continued on destroying everything with the golf club not having a clue it was him that hurt his brother. 
     Beck started yelling "Daddy!  Daddy!"  I finally yelled "what?"  And he said ah-er pop in a really quiet voice and smiled.  Who could resist that little boys smile?  So we all went upstairs to have ah-er pops on a day where the high was thirty degrees.  The boys know exactly where grandma keeps the otter pops.  They pulled open the freezer and began a game of lets take everything out of grandma's freezer and stack it at the top of the stairs.  I could not tell them no because I was laughing too hard.  They carried bottles of spaghetti sauce that I thought would be too heavy for them to carry.  They carried Tupperware filled with food and stacked all the food together in a pile like they were stacking their blocks.  I was grateful they didn't decide to try and throw the frozen "block" down the stairs as a new game.  Then they decided they wanted an otter pop.  I made them bring everything back and place it back in the freezer. 
     We then went downstairs and ate, watched Cars, played with blocks.  I got to read to Beck again, which is a highlight to me.  He leans back into me and points at things or makes animal noises.  Then they wanted to play in the garage. 
     I brought in Mom's garbage can while they were playing so the boys decided to play with brooms in the snow.  They swept the snow and laughed saying "no."  I find it funny that if you get close to Beck and he doesn't like you he will say "no!"  Beck will also use the same word to describe snow since he can't use an "s" sound yet.  One word is said with a smile, and the other is said with his hand out in a stop motion.  Beck at this point decides to run through the snow and crashes.  His body splayed out in the "no".  He was covered head to toe in snow.  Beck did not like that at all and he began screaming and crying.  I brushed him off.  It was at that moment that Killian chose to make his escape.  I picked Beck up and wanted to take him inside to warm him up.  Killian dashed away from us and around the house.  So I ran and put Beck inside and then dashed back out, tracking Killian through the snow.  Picked him up and raced back inside trying not to slip and crash on the ice.  Madame X does not like damaged goods.  Perhaps that is why she divorced me.  When I brought Killian inside Beck was still crying.  Killian gave him a hug and then ran off.  Sometimes Killian gets mixed up at when to head butt someone or when to hug them.  I'm glad that today he made the right choice in the affection he gave his brother. 
     That crash in the snow effectively ended our visit.  I have not made it to the point with Beck that he looks to me to be consoled by.  He laid down on the stair with his blanket and kept asking for Mommy, so I took them back home.  I had them for three hours and loved every minute of it.  They both waved bye to me when I dropped them off.  Even Madame X said bye when I left the boys.  Things are looking up.  I still run through the emotional spectrum when I have the boys.  I swing through every emotion and feel tired by the time they leave.  I hate it when they leave.  I always wish they were getting picked up and dropped off at my house.  I don't enjoy being the one that leaves.
Can you guess where we are hiding?

Do you need some help with your otter pop?

This Cars movie is so intense, I just never know what's going to happen next.

Always building blocks

Killian using Daddy as a foot rest

Playing with Sesame Street

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Beck's games

Beck is always coming up with these different ways to entertain himself.  I never know why these things captivate him, but they always make me laugh.  When I was younger I do not recall thinking that throwing a ball against a tree was fun, but I'm glad he finds it amusing.  You will hear Killian say tee (tree).  You will hear Beck say ball, mine.


Climb the Bench and Drop the Ball

More of the dropping of balls in the water.  The boys are way more entertaining than cable or BYU sports.  I find it very amusing that when one twins watches the other do something, they have to then copy what was done.  You will hear Beck say ball, wad-O, I get it, and a bunch of other things that I still have not been able to decipher.  You will hear Killian say wad-O, mine.  Killian is very good at using the word mine.  Even if he has to run away holding the toy over his head to make it "mine".


Beck and Puddles

The link below will take you to YouTube to watch a video.  Bloggers video upload will no longer work for some reason.  Beck and Killian drop balls in the water to make a splash.  Killian tries to drop his loader in there and doesn't get the same kind of splash.  You will hear Beck say wad-O (water), ball, spash (splash). 



     I gave up going to California to see my family so that I could spend more time with my boys over the Thanksgiving break.  I didn't get to see them yesterday due to their being sick.  Today I did not get to see them either as they are still sick.  I didn't have to work on account of the blizzard of the century that dropped so little snow it looked like the shirt of the kid that sat in front of me in physical science class with the bad dandruff.  Puh-lease, there wasn't enough snow on the ground to melt for hot chocolate. 
     The time off work left me with five days off and no boys.  I do not do very well when left alone to my own thoughts.  I find myself staring at the boys toys sitting there instead of watching the movie that is on.  I find myself smiling at the thought of them chasing one another with their push lawnmowers.  I am always amazed by how empty I feel when they are not around.  The heartache at times is unbearable.  I made the correct decision to leave the marriage I was in.  Believing that I made the right decision still doesn't take away the hurt.  I used to hear parents say that their kids gave their lives purpose.  Or that their kids fulfilled them.  When I was younger I just thought that is what the uber Mormons were supposed to say.  "I know the church is true with every fibre of my being, and my life feels so fulfilled with my twenty-three children."  Well, yeah, my life would feel full if there were that many crazies swimming in the gene pool as well.
     I decided when Madame X and I divorced that I would never put the children in the middle.  If they didn't feel like coming with me, even though I could demand it, I wasn't going to.  It seems that they only get sick on my time.  This is what I will have to deal with until the boys are older and I can talk directly to them.  It is very hard for me to trust. 
     I'm sorry that those were three very despairing paragraphs.  I had hoped to inspire you to solve world hunger, adopt puppies, learn to read, and punch that special someone in the face that deserves it.  I can't help it, I miss my boys.  I will post some pictures since most of the people reading this blog read it something like this, "blah blah blah, scroll down scroll down scroll down, oh there's the pictures.  I don't know why he bothers putting those troublesome words in there so I have to scroll down so far with the mouse."
I bought two loaders so each could have their own.  Notice who has both?

Beck always has to find a hole to be in

Beck also has to lay in the dirt.  Not sure why.

Friday, November 26, 2010

No luck Friday

     I did not get the twins today (Friday November 26th) as the cooking apparently at Madame X's Thanksgiving must have been horrendous.  Or Beck has started drinking at an early age and can't handle his liquor.  Beck was throwing up today.  So much for extra time with the boys during the holiday's. 
     Instead you, the reader (both of you), will benefit from the lack of anything else present in my life.  I have been uploading video's to YouTube for precisely four million two point six hours today.  Once the video's have been uploaded I will attempt to link them to the blog.  I am getting older, so hopefully technology does no elude me like it does my father (where's the any key?). 
     The video's are funnier than anything I can write.  The boys make me laugh constantly.  They are both so inquisitive.  The photos are of the boys looking in a storm drain.  They have to look at and throw things down every drain they encounter.  They act like it is something completely different, even if we were at that storm drain the day before.  Killian figured out how to take a stick and pop the drain covers off at Mapleton city park.  I'm sure that is a great talent for a nineteen month old to posses.  He is going places as far as criminal mischief is concerned.  And NO he did not get that from me.  I'm offended you even thought that.    
A Storm Drain

Oh my word!  Another storm drain!  This one is totally different.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Daddy Phone

     The boys are fascinated by my phone.  They love to sit on my lap and look at the screen while we take pictures of stuff.  Beck usually takes my phone and throws it on the ground.  The phone lights up when he does this, so he will repeatedly do so.  Killian is not one for sharing all the time.  He took my phone one day while we were at the park.  This is what he came up with.  He took these photos all on his own after I showed him which button to push, he said I do it, I do it.  They aren't too bad for a nineteen month old. When he was done with the phone he just threw it in the grass.  I guess I should have told him that an iPhone isn't a disposable camera.  Then again, he might just get the throw it away when your done with it mentality from his mother.

Mon guys

     Saturday's visit went really well.  Madame X told me to pick them up at 2:15, then she changed it to 2:00, then again to 2:30.  Who knows what that was all about.  But I was willing to put up with it to have time with the boys.  When I showed up Madame X was carrying Killian and she had Beck by the hand.  As soon as I said hey buddy to Beck he started to cry and say Mommy Mommy.  I walked over and picked him up.  As soon as he was in my arms his crying switch turned off.  Beck started saying go, go, go.  I put him in his car seat and he said doggies, woof woof.  I guess we were ready to go.
     The boys are in a routine now.  They start saying uppie uppie, push but ton.  They want me to push the garage door opener so they can watch the door go up.  Then they walk up the back stairs and go inside.  As soon as Beck entered he said ah-er pop (otter pop) and walked over to the freezer.  Grandma of course has to give in to their every whim.  When I was a kid I had a million rules and became grounded if the stars weren't in alignment.  It seems as if the grand kids will have zero.
     We went down stairs to watch teh movie Cars and eat our otter pops.  We played with toys, read, and wrestled.  They came up with some sort of game where they stood at the top of the stairs and threw down kick boards (we had them on the boat for the kids, never thought there would be an indoor use for them).  I would throw the kick boards back up.  Beck even found two adult size hockey sticks.  That became interesting really fast.  Beck was trying to hit balls with his hockey stick.  I was trying to make sure that the back part of the stick didn't take out the other twin.  Killian decided it would be more fun to hit Daddy, pull down blinds, or try and hit light fixtures.  The twins are so fast it is hard to get pictures and video of everything they do. 
     The boys didn't have naps so they only lasted until five.  The boys have been on an antibiotic so I think that contributed to their being tired.  Beck asked for Mommy.  I asked him if he wanted to go home and he nodded his head yes.  I could have tried to distract him so they could stay an hour longer.  I decided long ago that Beck and Killian would dictate the visitation schedule.  If they want to go home, they do not get questioned about it.  So we put coats back on and headed outside.  Killian and Grandma were ahead of us walking to the truck and Killian was looking over her shoulder at Beck and I, and he kept saying 'mon guys, 'mon.  They watched Nemo on the way home and Killian didn't even fall asleep in his car seat, although, it was awfully close.  I hate saying good-bye to them.  It is terrible to leave them and drive away.
Plotting as they go down the stairs

Driving their planes along the walls

I don't miss doing this every day

Say Daddy is your favorite! Say it!

I can probably only take them both for another six months

Killian likes to dive on you at any given time

He always goes for the head first.  He has a hard noggin

Killian using Daddy as a hockey puck

They love to drive trucks

Killian going after a light fixture

One word:  Destruction

My favorite time

Beck loves to stack anything

I'll destract him, and you get the otter pops

That's a long way down.  You first.

I wonder just how far I can push grandma and not get in trouble

Beck loves to drive through the humidifier

Mine broke down, can I get a lift?

I love it when they come over and sit on my lap

We stack it and Killian mows it over with his toy

Beck will say stack stack as he does this

That is all that is left after he destroys the tower

The three best Fairbank's watching Cars

Future Metal drummer Beck the Destroyer