Saturday, March 24, 2012

Faster and faster

Each time I pick up the boys I am amazed at new words or speech patterns they both use.  I used to worry that Beck was behind Killian in the development of his large motor skills.  That is not the case anymore.  Beck is able to routinely hit me in the face with a ball every time I am not looking. 

While wrestling with both boys Killian jumped up, pointed at me, and said very forcefully, "Bad dinosaur!"

I was helping Killian into his car seat while he was holding his toys...
Killian: Thanks Daddy
Me: You are welcome buddy
Killian: I just Killian.  Not buddy
Beck: Yeah Daddy.  We are Beck and Killian

Killian referes to Beck as "Beckers" and Beck referes to Killian as "Kill"  It is so funny to watch the two of them interact.  They play much better together than they used to.  Both of them dumped all the balls out of the two inflatable cars that I have.  They sat in one and then pulled the other car over the top of them creating a small fort.  I heard whispering.  Then Killian laughing.  Then Beck yelled out, "This a good day!"

Killian told me that he had to go home so he could sleep.  I told him that Daddy has a bed here for you.  He said ,"I do?"  I carried him downstairs and I went to my room and said, "This is Daddy's bed."  And Killian said, "I just seep wis you."  I took him into the twins room and laid him down on his bed and said, "Here is your bed Killian."  He sat back up.  Jumped off the bed and went across the room to the other bed and while pointing said, "No.  Dis my bed.  That bed Beckers."  I have no idea what is the difference between the two beds.  Both are singles, with Cars blankets on them.  The beds are only separated by about two feet.

The boys finally posed for a picture.  Or at least as close to posing as you can get.  Beck hates cameras but finally said cheeeeeeese and didn't look away.  I really wish I would have had my camera and not my phone while taking the pictures, but at least the saying of cheese was a good start.


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