Saturday, March 10, 2012


Beck is obsessed with hand sanitizer now.  He wants to hold the bottle.  And he keeps talking about the "spices" in the bottle.  Anything of a different color in the bottle is a spice.

Killian to me while driving:  Daddy, daddy
Me:  What Killian?
Killian:  Look what I pulled out of my nose.

Beck: I take swimming lessons
Killian: I was taking swimming lessons when I was little Killian.  Now I three.  I big Killian but I small.

The boys like to go to Carl's junior to play.  While we were in the play land two girls around age eleven showed up.  Killian kept following them around pointing to himself saying, "Killian.  I Killian"  He followed them around until they said hi Killian.

The boys are always saying, "I need a little help."  If they can't climb or need help climbing a rock.  I makes me laugh every time.

I figured out how to connect trailers to the boys quads.  The trailers came from Grandpa Weeks.  The boys love the trailers.  Killian always has to have someone or something in the back of his trailer.

Who needs play ground equipment when you have a table to play with

They love to be outside

Killian wanted Daddy's tools in the trailer.  He needed " a little help" to get the bucket in

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