Friday, March 18, 2011

Running in Place

     I am sorry about the delay in blogging.  My goal had been to write as soon as the boys left each time.  My emotions are usually all over the place after they leave and that makes it really tough to focus on my writing.  I start out excited that they were happy, then become sad because they don't live with me and I won't get to see them for awhile.  Then I think of something they said that made me laugh, like Beck following me into the bathroom and saying, "poopin'?" before I even get one step in the bathroom.  I tell him that I am blowing my nose.  He watches really intently at me blowing my nose.  Then walks out of the bathroom trying to make the noises of blowing his nose.   So I'm afraid it is going to be very hit and miss with the blog.
     I picked the boys up in the afternoon on Monday.  The boys were so excited to go today that Killian was running in place at the gate before I could even get out of the truck.  Madame X asked me if I would try feeding them as they had not had much for lunch.  So off we went to McDonalds for fries.  Beck as we drive now has to yell out if we are going "up hill, up hill, up hill" or "dow hill, dow hill, dow hill".  He used to not speak much, but that kid is always talking now.  When we pulled up to the drive through, Beck started yelling "coke *pause* coke *pause* coke?"  I got a medium fry thinking that I could have some as well.  Nope.  The boys ate the entire thing before we even got to Mom's house. 
     The boys are still into blowing up balloons and letting them go and watching them fly around the house.  We do this after they have rolled the ball down the stairs, and then knocked over anything standing.  While I was blowing up Beck's balloon it popped.  He stood there like he wasn't sure if he was supposed to cry or not.  So I started rubbing his back and telling him it was okay, the balloon just popped.  He looked at me with a very serious look and said, "bwoten (broken), pop, scawy (scary)." And then he went and picked a new balloon. 
     Shortly after arriving, Beck wanted noodles.  Both boys like to watch the noodles prepared and help in anyway they can.  They have to get the Ramen package out of the pantry, thus knocking over everything else to get to the noodles. Then carry it over to the stove.  I have to have bar stools near the stove so they can watch the water boil.  The boys also have to each take a turn biting the uncooked Ramen and then say Yucky!  Then they sit at the bar while I'm cutting the noodles up and tell me everything that I am doing and using, "cuttin', buttew, knife, foke, poon, stiw (stir)."  Today they tried feeding themselves.  That went okay as long as I held the bowl below their faces. After they finished eating they made sure they touched every square inch of the television screen with their buttery hands.  That was awesome! 
     At four I asked the boys if they wanted to go home.  Beck said, "no, stay daddy how, daddy tuck *points out the window* I wide in it.  Killians response, "I stay too, I stay too".  Simple things like that just make my day.  I am not sure however, what has changed to make it so they don't want to come home when just a week ago I couldn't get them to be in the same room with me.  I will take what I can get.  They seem to have grown each time I see them.

New chair for Beck to watch Cars

Killian loves his Car's chair

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