Killian is the more affectionate of the two. He will hug and kiss me all the time. He loves for me to rub his back or belly. Beck on the other hand, is still affectionate, but it has to be on his terms. I can't just rub my head against his, or rub his back, or hug him when I feel like it. If I do any of those things when he doesn't want me to, he will say, "Stop." He will still give me hugs or put my arms around him, I just can't do it whenever I feel like. At least he now runs to the truck smiling and acts so excited to go with me. I quite prefer that, over him running away screaming "I no go, I no go!" I will never cease to be amazed, how seeing those two smile and run down the walk to the truck improves my mood immensely.
If I could change one thing, it would be that I could have some privacy in the bathroom. I go into the bathroom, and that becomes the hot spot to play. They will play with their trucks, or in the bathtub, on the counter top. Or they will talk to me while I am doing the things that nature dictates I do at that moment in time. That has been a hard thing to get used to for me. I guess at least they always want to be where I'm at.
Killian was playing "farms" upstairs with grandma. When I came upstairs Killian told me, "Daddy. I have two fwendly dinosaurs (why he can said dinosaur, but not friendly is beyond me), there names are moo-la and ca ca. (I'm thinking ca ca's mother didn't really think what it would be like for her dinosaur child to go through dino school named ca ca.)
I was playing with Beck upstairs. He would throw the balls to me, I would toss them back. Beck at one point decided to keep all the balls, which he thought was funny. So while he was laughing he exclaimed, "Daddy, you have no balls!" My reply was, "Mommy has them." We both laughed and laughed at this, but I think we were probably laughing for two different reasons.
Killian: Daddy. You know where the "twinker" toys are?
Killian: Daddy, what you use to get the poop off my bum?
Me: Baby wipes from the diaper bag.
Killian: You should use suckers. It's sad you don't use suckers.
Beck (while I'm building a block tower for him): Daddy. Your stacking just doesn't make any sense.
Killian: I like you Daddy.
Me: I love you Killian
Killian: You have lots and lots of toys for me to play with. Can I come back?
When I was younger, I used to take everything apart to see how it worked. I took a foam mattress apart (who knew those things were made all in one piece?). I took the television apart. I cut open a tennis ball (and half my hand) with a rusty razor blade to see what was inside that made the ball bounce. I am now finally understanding why my father has gray hair and a nervous twitch. I came downstairs to find that Killian had taken apart, part of the surround sound to see how it worked. Eventually I remembered to start breathing again and asked him what he was doing. He said, "Der lots and lots of wires here." I had no clue how to even respond. So I just sat there and watched him play to see what would happen. This three year old toddler, put all the wires back into the appropriate slots. Screwed the wire clams down. And then for good measure, used the remote to change the DVD to a Thomas DVD so he could show me the type of crane that he wanted me to get him for his birthday. I am still in shock that Killian could do all those things. I don't know when or how he figured that out. Beck can figure out all the different programming buttons on my keyboard. He can start the drums playing in the background. Beck can also get it to play twinkle twinkle little star when he wants to. Killian once asked me to stop the drums from playing when he was playing the piano. I had to call Beck over to get him to stop the drums. I feel very old currently.
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The bathroom floor is the best spot to play trucks I guess |
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