Saturday, June 16, 2012

6-16-12 A

Killian:  Daddy you need to feed the alligator
Me:  Okay (reaches into the diaper bag) I found some grape juice for him
Beck:  Daddy...that is bum cream
Killian:  (Makes all kinds of gagging noises) Oh no, alligators don't like bum cream

Killian: Daddy?
Me: Yes Killian
Killian: You need to buy me presents
Me: Why do I need to buy you presents?
Killian: So I poop on the potty
Me: Are you going to buy me presents?
Killian:  Daddy, you don't poop on the potty

Killian and Beck pointing at the Dinosaur movie on TV
Me:  What do they see?
Beck:  They see a very naughty dinosaur

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