Sunday, May 20, 2012

It's not snowing

Beck:  Daddy, I just want you to know, it is not snowing.

Killian (while picking his nose) and notices I'm looking at him:  I know I know, I need a tishew.

Ever since Killian had to have a cavity filled, the boys have been obsessed with toothbrushes.  I will post a video as well of them brushing my teeth.  Killian is also constantly asking for me to take his picture.  But he wants to see what the picture looks like while being taken. 

Love this photo

Killian not even paying attention to where he is even brushing

We finally had the park to ourselves

Beck loves to make tracks everywhere with the truck.  You are not allowed to walk on the tracks.

Killian trying to get the statue swing to work.

They no longer care if Daddy is right behind them.  No looking back.

Beck loves to be chased, and Killian loves to try and crash into him.

Those two inflatable cars were the best twenty dollars I've ever spent.

Beck always wants to play in the sink.  The lady looked at me like I was crazy when I purchased all those funnels.

The twin of Christmas past.

I now understand why he asked "Daddy, where is the biggiest towel in your house?"

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