Saturday, March 10, 2012

The park

The boys want to go to the park, even if there is a blizzard outside.  Thankfully it is getting warmer so they can run and run. 

When I picked up the boys, this is the conversation that took place...
Beck: Where we going to go today Daddy?
Me: Where do you want to go?
Killian: He alway want to go to Spanish Fork
Me: Huh?

I let the boys roll their windows up or down on their own unless we are about to get on the freeway.  Then it is simply too cold for me to allow it.  So Beck always asks if this is the freeway.  He has now turned the conversation into a game..
Beck: Is this the freeway?
Me: Yep
Beck: We going way fast?
Me: We are going pretty fast.
Beck: Fast now?
Me: Yep
Beck: Now?
Me: Yep
Beck: Now?
Me: Still fast
Beck: How ‘bout now?
Me: Yep
Beck (laughing): Now?
Me: We are stopped.  So no.
Beck keeps laughing: Now?

Killian and Beck can both make it up this without any help.  It kinda freaks me out though.

They always have to walk through weeds/bushes looking for biggie sticks

They also have to walk on as many rocks as they can everywhere we go

Killian "fishing"

Fishing expedition

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