When I take the boys out, I find myself at times loathing humanity. People that don't watch their children and let them run wild or bully other children. Today's visit to McDonald's was a new one for me though. This lady (featured behind me) decided to sit right behind us in a play land virtually empty. Why she had to choose the table right next to us I will never know. Her little boy saw Beck and Killian's small dinosaurs that they had just been given. He kept saying, "I want it. I want a dinosaur. I want the dinosaur." The kid said this over and over and over and over and over. I kept thinking the lady would take her kid and leave. Get him to be quiet. Get him to stop following my boys. Get him to stop standing RIGHT NEXT to our food and saying it over and over. But NNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. She just kept saying sorry to us. It got so bad that both boys sat next to me in the bench. They wouldn't leave the booth to go play. They both hid their dinosaurs in their jackets and wouldn't uncover it. So stupid. Sadly stuff like this happens at McDonald's. We also had one lady that wouldn't take her kids to eat. They were hungry. She just wanted them to play in the play land while she sent texts on her phone. While I was playing with the boys, one of her children helped himself to Beck's drink and some of our food. It was all super okay though, cause the lady just said sorry and told her kid to put Beck's drink down.
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