My heart always races when I drive up the street to the boys house. I never know if I am going to get them or not. I never know who I am going to run into when I am there. I wonder if Madame X would just tell Beck and Killian to walk down the street until they see me. That's okay for two year olds to do right?
I pulled up and put the truck in park, took a deep breath, and looked to my right. I exhaled and smiled when I saw that Beck was in hat and coat trying to push the door open. That warmed my heart. I walked up to the door and he came out jabbering about something I wasn't really listening to because I was focused on the fact that Killian was already crying. Snot was running down his face and he was saying Mommy, Mommy, Mommy, while clinging to Madame X. I picked up Beck and asked Killian if he wanted to come to my house to play with balloons. He nodded his head yes, and Madame X said that she wasn't coming to Daddy's house so he would have to go with me. That started the entire Mommy thing again. So I walked down the walkway to the truck and loaded Beck in his car seat. Madame X followed trying to talk to Killian about Beck leaving to come with me. Killian does not like to be seperated from his brother. After loading Beck, I walked back around the truck and held my arms open and said come here buddy to Killian. He recoiled away from me just like the girls in high school did, trying to get as much distance as possible between the two of us. I shrugged my shoulders and got back in the truck. He clearly was not coming with me today. At least fifty percent of my children were coming with me.
Beck started telling me the play by play that was taking place in Finding Nemo as I drove. I was so glad that Beck had gotten over whatever initially was making him afraid to leave his house to come with me. I was looking forward to being able to focus on one child. Beck acted very attached to me finally. I felt like a Dad instead of a baby sitter! We played with trains, trucks, balls, and tinker toys. Beck is quite adept at putting together tinker toys. Beck read with grandma, and then changed to reading with me. We watched very little of Cars! When we did watch Cars, Beck insisted Killian's chair be placed next to his, even though it was empty. Saturday was all about spending time with one another. I loved it! We had a new game of filling cups with water in the sink, then dumping them out and stacking them. Only to take them down again to be filled with water. His speech improves at such a rapid rate it makes my head spin. Beck only wanted to leave my house because he wanted to take a nap, and he wanted to nap in his own bed. The last two times Beck has left he wants to take two toys with him. He is always thinking of Killian. When Beck leaves now he picks up two items and then starts walking towards the stairs and saying "take, take, take" until I give in and let him take whatever he wants. I probably would let him drive home if he knew how to ask me for that.
It was the twins birthday's on Wednesday the ninth. They also had their two year checkup last week. Beck weighs 26.6 pounds and is 35 inches long. Killian is 25.8 pounds and is 34.5 inches long. That is a lot bigger than the 4.14 pounds and 17.5 inches long when they were born. Beck has complained that his hips and knees hurt him at times so he is going in for x-rays to check for something called Perthes disease (his cousin has been diagnosed with it). That illness is where the top of your leg bone disintegrates from the hip joint. The bone eventually grows back as the child get older. I am currently praying, crossing fingers, and sacrificing goats that the pain he is feeling is just from growing. I can remember as I grew how it hurt me. There were times that I felt like my bones were stretching so fast I was a human Gumby toy. I will keep everybody posted on how his x-rays turn out. Here's to hoping Killian comes with us tomorrow morning when I go to pick them up.
I know there is a ball in here somewhere |
Seriously, where is the ball? |
Oh, there is where all the balls are |
Loves to knock over blocks |
Where did the blocks go? |
I love that smile! |
Getting ready to be tossed in the air |
Can I play in the water please Daddy? |
Is this cup made of real plastic? |
He was about to fall alseep |
I think maybe Daddy was having more fun than Beck |
Trying to protect himself from me making the dinosaur get him |
We read this book about ten times in a row |
I love to hear him laugh
We started playing a game where Beck would tell me he wanted an "otta pop" and I would tickle him. I have been told that I should market this video as a way for people to get in shape. My abs were on fire the entire time playing this game. But I LOVED to hear him laugh!
Beck building with Tinker toys. You will hear him say "too big, new one, okay, come out"
You will hear Beck say "tall one, knock it over, get it, too big, high, too tall" while building his blocks to knock over.
I can't believe that dinosaur book didn't scare him. It scared me. The boys are cute!