Saturday, July 7, 2012


I walk into the kitchen and Killian is sitting at the bar playing with play dough.
Killian:  Hello
Me: Hi
Killian: Welcome to the restaurant
Me: Thank you
Killian: Please come and sit down

Killian: Daddy, I will make you an egg...right now.
Beck:  I can't make an egg.  I frowed it and it goes really wonky.

Beck was drawing circles in the dirt.  I wrote Becks name in the dirt and spelled it out to both of them.  Killian then asked if I would write his name.  So I wrote Killian and then showed them each of the letters.  Killian:  Now write your name in the dirt
Me: (after writing my name) My name is Kirt.  K-I-R-T.
Beck: Silly Daddy.  You are not a Kirt, you are Daddy.
Killian:  Yeah, you are Daddy.

Beck was saying, "Daddy shirt, too big."  Then he tried to take it off  Killian

Daddy, do not cross this line.  Then he drew a circle.

I made this special for you Daddy.  It's very special.

This is how Killian eats popcorn.  It entertains me.

I love it when they just want to sit on my lap

My lap isn't quite big enough

It's much better to watch TV from Daddy's shoulders

Hey look.  I high as a mountain.

A much needed breather for Daddy.  They wear me out.

Beck complains at times about his knees hurting.  Wonder why.  I would need surgery if I sat that way.

Killian learning GQ poses early in life.

Killian always has his tongue out

Killian: Daddy I will help you carry the bags to the truck. 

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