My apologies to the two readers of the blog for my lack of posting lately. I had just enough money to purchase a train ticket on the bitter express, so I rode that train for awhile. Eventually they kicked me off that train, so I took solace on the overly emotional train. I heard that train had a good buffet.
Here is why I was riding the bitter train...Saturday the 19th, neither boy wanted to go with me. Madame X suggested I come in and talk to them. I played with Beck for a bit since he was the only one that would come near me. After a few minutes Beck decided he wanted to go. We got his shoes and coat on, and I picked him up. He started saying rather loudly, "ow, hurt, ow, hurt, ow". So I put him on my other hip and he said he wanted down. I put him down and he said, "no go, no go" and then went over and picked up a book. I knelt down beside him and said, "don't you want to go with Daddy. No, was his reply. I think I made him change his mind when I picked him up when he was sore. Beck's x-ray's came back normal, so the doctor thinks it is just growing pains. I can remember how growing hurt me when I was much much younger. I am sorry he will endure that as well. Now that I am older, my growing is much more enjoyable as I eat Wendy's and change my shape to round. At least Beck's hip bones weren't decaying in the socket like we had thought. I walked away empty handed unsure how I was going to bribe the boys into liking me.
On Saturday the 26th, when I arrived Beck was already dressed and peeking his head out the door. When I got up to the porch he was saying, "I go, I go, I go" like I was going to leave him behind. I told him that I wanted to talk to Killian for a minute then we would go. Killian would not let me get anywhere near him. He was crying and running around trying to make sure he had maximum distance between him and I. He ran and grabbed his mother's hand saying, "ta mon mommy!" She wouldn't go with him. His Mommy explained that he needed to talk to Daddy for a minute. Then she explained that he was this way with everyone right now. Well I'm not everyone, I'm his dad. And him not letting me anywhere near him was breaking me inside. I finally gave up with Killian and told Beck it was time to go. Beck said in a quiet voice, "noooooo" like he was very disinterested in me suddenly. Beck had changed his mind and wasn't going to go. Killian walked out of the room and Beck followed. I shrugged my shoulders and began the lonely walk of shame back to the truck. I was at a loss.
Monday the 28th, Madame X sent me a text that I was going to have to come in to talk to the boys, as neither of them would get dressed to go with Daddy. As I walked up the steps I could see two cute little boys sitting on the couch looking out the window. I ran to the window and waved. Killian laughed. So I started to play peek a boo outside the window. Each time I popped my head around the corner, they laughed a little more. I was freezing outside, but I was going to keep making them laugh. Eventually when I lost all bodily control and started suffering from stage three hypothermia, I went in and sat down next to Killain. Killian started saying, "no...go owside. Go owside" and pointing. I suggested we read a book instead. Beck wouldn't come anywhere near me. Beck did want to show me all the places he could climb, but would not approach me. Killian brought over a construction book and started telling me what all the pictures were. Beck eventually started doing the same thing. Beck got bored of that after a minute and started trying to show off. He fell and started to cry. I thought to myself, well this is it. One twin crying leads to two, which leads to Daddy crying on a drive home. Killian kept reading and eventually Beck started leaning on my leg and looking at the book. I kept asking Killian, don't you want to play at Daddy's house? Don't you want to read at Daddy's house? Killian ignored the questions. I even volunteered to let him play on the little trampoline that I do not like him to play with, trying anything I could to get him over to my house. If he would have continued to say no, I was prepared to start letting him play with matches, fire, paint, guns. Anything! Killian asked me, "tan we wo the ball? (translation: can we roll the exercise ball down the stairs destroying everything in it's path?) I told him you bet! He ran into the other room to get his shoes. Beck didn't want to be left behind. So I went from having zero boys to having both of them. I was ecstatic!
We played with balloon's. I made the mistake of blowing up a balloon and letting them hold it and let it fly away. Beck thought that was so cool. I didn't think about how I would feel after blowing up balloons for an hour. Killian destroyed, knocked over, everything he could. Both boys were very interactive with me. I loved it. I had hoped Killian would forget about the tramp, but alas, he did not. So I set it close to the couch thinking it would prevent them from falling. I didn't think about them jumping from the couch onto the tramp, diving head first onto the tramp. I have no idea where that daring gene came from. I have always been so conservative and mellow. They jumped off boxes, slid down the stairs, threw stuff down the stairs. I laughed and had so much fun. Although, twins for FOUR HOURS really wore me out.
Earlier I had decided that I would take the boys home after an hour and a half so they would feel like they had fun. I didn't want them to ask for Mommy, or feel the need to ask to go home. I wanted them to get home and just remember how much fun the had. Here was the first conversation...
Me: Beck come here and let me put your shoes on so we can go back home.
Beck: (running away from me) nnnnnnooooooooo Daddy's how! (house)
The conversation thirty minutes later...
Me: Killian come here and let me put your shoes on so we can go back home
Killian: NO! (hits me in the head with a hockey stick and laughs)
The conversation an hour later...
Me: Killian come here and let me put your shoes on so we can go back home
Beck: No, Daddy howse! (slaps leg)
Killian: Noodles?
So I made them noodles and we ate Ramen and watched Cars. I knew it was time for Beck to go down for a nap, but I was having zero luck at getting them to want to go home. Finally I put Beck's stuff on while he was watching Cars and that did the trick. Both boys ran and grabbed a few toys saying, "take, take, take". Until I told them that they could take the toys.
I drove home happier than I had been in weeks. When the boys want to come with me, I feel that all is right with the world. Until I get home and realize what I have to clean up. Sometimes I think it would be easier to sell the home fully furnished and just buy a new place. Crossing my fingers for tomorrow!